IHNECHO ("ECHO") vom mittelwest |

Echo, daughter of world sieger dog, Liedo Vom Kuckucksland, is an awesome girl. She has a beautiful coat and lovely black and red coloration. She is extremely intelligent and looks nearly identical to her littermate sister, Isis. She's always up for playing, but also loved to snuggle and get loved on.
Echo recently went to her new home with the Whalen family, where she plays with her new little brother, a Stonehill dog, "Griffin." Echo's new mom says she is her buddy, always snuggling with her on the couch and so well behaved. We couldn't have asked for a better home for such a sweet dog.
Echo recently went to her new home with the Whalen family, where she plays with her new little brother, a Stonehill dog, "Griffin." Echo's new mom says she is her buddy, always snuggling with her on the couch and so well behaved. We couldn't have asked for a better home for such a sweet dog.